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43년 만에 다시 시작하는 23학번 대학 새내기의 분투기

23학번 영어 기말고사

by thetraveleroftheuniverse 2023. 12. 16.

43년 만에 다시 시작하는 23학번 대학 새내기의 분투기 시리즈 73

이순을 넘은 나이에
두 번째 대학 생활이 재미있는 이유 중
단연 나의 도전 의식이 발휘될 때다.

모르는 것을 배웠거나
모자라는 것을 좀 채워나가는 희열을
어떻게 말로 다 설명할 수 있을까?

23학번 영어 기말고사를 어제 마쳤다.
끝났으니 이제 시험 문제 일부를 노출해도 되겠지?

1. When making an important decision, some people like to take a few hours or days to think before making the decision, Other people like to make decisions very quickly. Which do you prefer and why?

I generally prefer quick, instinctive decision-making, utilizing a computer-like thinking approach for efficiency. Analyzing, abstracting, and finding patterns in my behavior enhance effective decision-making. Prolonged, spiraling thoughts can be time-wasting and lead to poor choices. Exceptions exist, particularly in human relationships, where extended contemplation is necessary, given the involvement of others. However, for important decisions, my preference remains simple, swift, and precise choices.

2. When travelling abroad, do you prefer to rent a car, or use public transportation?

When traveling abroad, I prefer using public transportation over renting a car. The first reason for this preference is that public transportation is more cost-effective than renting a car. Secondly, it allows me to closely observe the daily lives of the local residents, and since I travel alongside them, it's easier to make local connections. This often leads to the discovery of wonderful places that are favored by the locals, sometimes beyond the well-known tourist destinations.
However, it's important to consider the inconveniences of using public transportation over renting a car. Public transportation follows fixed schedules, which can lead to waiting times during travel, and there's also a concern about getting lost in unfamiliar places if one takes the wrong route.

Nevertheless, I still prefer using public transportation when traveling abroad over renting a car.

물론 암기도 했고 때론 내 식대로 개작해 답안을 작성했다는 것은 안 비밀!!!

그런데 서울대나 연,고대같은 스카이 대학은 영어논술로 시험을 보는 것은 아닌지, 급 궁금해졌다.

여하튼 앞으로 남은 3년 내 도전의식에 많은 결실이 맺히길 기원하며!!!

