English novels5 Stories We Love: “American Express,” by James Salter 이제 입학을 앞두고 있으니, 공부 모드로... 우선 하루에 한 장 영문소설을 번역해보기로 한다. 작가들의 작가인 제임스 설터의 아메리칸 급행열차 번역에 도전, 마음산책에서 펴낸 서창렬 번역본과 대조해보며 원서 읽기를 해볼 계획으로 원서를 구입을 했으나 내년 1월 7일이 지나야 도착한다니, 우선 구글에서 관련글을 복사해 대조해가며 읽어볼 참이다. 참 편리한 세상, 구글 번역이라는 시스템이 많은 도움이 되겠다. "'작가들의 작가' 제임스 설터, 첫번째 단편집" 1988년 출간된 제임스 설터의 첫번째 단편집. 작가 특유의 건조하고 조금은 가혹한 문장들로 사랑과 욕망, 다가오는 죽음 앞에 속수무책인 순간들을 그렸다. 1989년 펜/포크너상 수상작이자 작가 스스로 가장 좋아하는 단편으로 꼽은 ‘아메리칸 급행열차’.. 2022. 12. 22. After Twenty Years/O. Henry It was nearly 10 o'clock at night when the policeman strolled up the avenue. Chilly gusts of wind and showers of rain had emptied the streets. He made sure that doors were locked, and swung his club as he walked along. Now and then he turned to look down side streets with his watchful eyes. With his powerful build he was a gine protector of the peace. The area was one that clo.. 2013. 11. 11. The last leaf - O. Henry/3 Joanna was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shades down and led Behrman into the other room. They peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine Then they looked at each other for a moment without speaking. Cold rain was falling, mixed with snow. Behrman posed as an old miner, and Sue drew him. When Sue got up the next morning, after an hour's sleep, she found.. 2013. 11. 9. The last leaf - O. Henry/2 "Oh, I've never heard such nonsense," complained Sue. "What have old ivy leaves to do with you getting well? Don't be silly. The doctor told me this morning that your chances of getting better were - let me think exactly what he said- he said the chances were ten to one!" Now try to drink some soup, and let me to back to the drawing, so the editor will pay me. Then I will buy .. 2013. 11. 7. The last leaf - O. Henry/1 There is a little area west of Washington Square called Greenwich Village. The streets there are crazy, and break themselves into small parts called "places." These "places" make strange angles and curves. One street even crosses itselt twice. Artists soon came to Greenwich Village, looking for big windows, high ceilings and low rents. They called themselves a "colony." At the.. 2013. 11. 6.