우리나라 재즈 트리오 중 제가 가장 좋아하는 젠틀레인 언제 함 소개해야겠어요. 아니면 누가 좀 포스팅 하시면 좋을텐데요.
유튜브에 오류가 자꾸떠서 일단 노트북을 껐다가 다시 켜려고했는데도 요놈이 꺼지지도 않네요. 밧데리 확 빼버리고 싶은데 고장날까 겁나 그냥 두었는데 낼 아침엔 꺼져 있겠죠. 비가오니까 잊고 있었던 젠틀레인 1집 시디가 생각났어요. 우선 하나만 링크할께요. 들어가셔서 맘껏 감상해보시길요.
노트북 핑계로 이런 포스팅도 하고. 그런데 밴친님들도 가볍게 좋은곡 공유했음해요. 제가 주저리주저리 포스팅을 장황하게해서 다른 분들이 망설이나 요즈음 생각이 복잡해졌어요.
[Live] Raindrops(Intro) + After The Gentle Rain - Jazz Trio "Gentle Rain" (재즈 트리오 젠틀레인) - YouTube
[Live] Raindrops(Intro) + After The Gentle Rain - Jazz Trio "Gentle Rain" (재즈 트리오 젠틀레인)Jazz Trio "Gentle Rain" 서덕원 Dukwon Seo - Drums 송지훈 Jihoon Song - Piano "Gentle Rain" is the Korean jazz trio with the aim of producing warm melody, sophisticated harmony, and friendly interplay, appealing to the emotions of the audience while maintaining the tradition of the modern jazz. Formed in 2004 by Dukwon Seo, the drummer, the band released their first album titled "Into The Gentle Rain" in December 2005. After the popular project album titled "Cinema In Jazz by Sonagi Project" in 2007. Trio "Gentle Rain" recently released "Second Rain", the second album in their history in May 2008. This tune was composed by Dukwon Seo, the drummer & leader of Gentle Rain & the title of their debut album "Into The Gentle Rain". Trio "Gentle Rain" Homepage - www.triogentlerain.co.krwww.youtube.com
[Live] 찬비(Cold Rain) - Jazz Trio "Gentle Rain" (재즈 트리오 젠틀레인)Jazz Trio "Gentle Rain" 서덕원 Dukwon Seo - Drums 송지훈 Jihoon Song - Piano "Gentle Rain" is the Korean jazz trio with the aim of producing warm melody, sophisticated harmony, and friendly interplay, appealing to the emotions of the audience while maintaining the tradition of the modern jazz. Formed in 2004 by Dukwon Seo, the drummer, the band released their first album titled "Into The Gentle Rain" in December 2005. After the popular project album titled "Cinema In Jazz by Sonagi Project" in 2007. Trio "Gentle Rain" recently released "Second Rain", the second album in their history in May 2008. Trio "Gentle Rain" Homepage - www.triogentlerain.co.krwww.youtube.com
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