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Bill Evans - Half Moon Bay (1973 Full Album)

by thetraveleroftheuniverse 2017. 2. 16.

빌 에반스

Bill Evans - Half Moon Bay (1973 Full Album) - YouTube


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오늘은  한 달 여동안 들락거리며 종종 수다를 피웠던 청년이 또 작별인사를 하고 떠나갔습니다. 다시는 마주칠 일도 없을 것이지만 왠지 인연이란 것이 이렇게 쉽게 왔다가 또 쉽게 잊혀지는 게 아쉽기도 합니다. 딱히 특별할 것도 없는 사이였는데도 불구하고, 마침 비도 오고 혼자 있으려니 마음만 쓸쓸해오고, 손에 든 책은 페이지를 넘기지 못하는 군요.
오늘 부터 다시 글을 쓰자 마음으로 다짐했건만 하루종일 끄덕끄덕 잠이 쏟아졌습니다. 긴장이 풀린 탓일까요?
이제 다시 마음을 다잡고 본연의 나의 모습으로 돌아오기를, 오늘 밤까지만, 핑계아닌 핑계를 대며 어제 만났던 빌 에반스를 듣습니다.
사실 에반스의 음반을 즐겨 듣지 않았는데 고메즈에 끌리다보니, 또 어쩔 수 없이 에반스를 만나게 되었습니다. 참 이상한 것이 에반스의 피아노 트리오인데도 불구하고 왜 저는 고메즈의 베이스 음에 자꾸 귀가 쫑긋거릴까요? 모를 일입니다. 마음이 시키는 일이라서, 제가 어쩔 수도 없고요. 그저 들리는대로 마음이 가는대로 즐길 일일 뿐입니다. 그런데 요즈음들어 또 놀라운 사실을 하나 발견했습니다. 고메즈 뿐만아니라 피아니스트 Egberto Gismonti, 멕시코 피아니스트인 Consuelo Velazques 등의 남미 쪽 연주자들의 소리에 유난히 끌리는 경향이 있더군요. 제 성향 때문인지 빙긋이 웃습니다.

Half Moon Bay is a live album by jazz pianist Bill Evans with Eddie Gómez and Marty Morell recorded at the Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society, in Half Moon Bay, California in 1973 and released on the Milestone label in 1998

Personel: Bill Evans (p) (1929년 8월 16일 (미국) ~ 1980년 9월 15일)
Eddie Gómez (b)
(Edgar "Eddie" Gómez October 4, 1944 Puerto Rico)
Marty Morell (dr)
(February 25, 1944 i drummer, percussionist, vibraphonist,producer미국)

Released: 1998
Recorded: November 4, 1973
Label: Milestone
Producer: Eric Miller

0:41 "Waltz for Debby"
7:06 "Time Remembered"
12:52 "Very Early"
18:58 "Autumn Leaves" (Joseph Kosma, Jacques Prévert, Johnny Mercer)
23:46 "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?" (Alan and Marilyn Bergman, Michel Legrand)
29:02 "Quiet Now" (Denny Zeitlin)
34:16 "Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)" (Leslie Bricusse, Anthony Newley)
40:51 "How My Heart Sings" (Earl Zindars)
45:36 "Someday My Prince Will Come" (Frank Churchill, Larry Morey)

Bill Evans - Half Moon Bay (1973 Full Album)Half Moon Bay is a live album by jazz pianist Bill Evans with Eddie Gómez and Marty Morell recorded at the Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society, in Half Moon Bay, California in 1973 and released on the Milestone label in 1998 Personel: Bill Evans (p) Eddie Gómez (b) Marty Morell (dr) Released: 1998 Recorded: November 4, 1973 Label: Milestone Producer: Eric Miller 0:00Introductions 0:41 "Waltz for Debby" 7:06 "Time Remembered" 12:52 "Very Early" 18:58 "Autumn Leaves" (Joseph Kosma, Jacques Prévert, Johnny Mercer) 23:46 "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?" (Alan and Marilyn Bergman, Michel Legrand) 29:02 "Quiet Now" (Denny Zeitlin) 34:16 "Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)" (Leslie Bricusse, Anthony Newley) 40:51 "How My Heart Sings" (Earl Zindars) 45:36 "Someday My Prince Will Come" (Frank Churchill, Larry Morey) Yet more Bill Evans live dates continue to flood the landscape posthumously, but this one was recorded under most inviting and unusual conditions. The locale was Pete Douglas' Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society, a second-floor, 250-seat rumpus room overlooking the Pacific near Half Moon Bay, CA, whose wood-paneled ambience and nine-foot Steinway D piano inspired some of the better live work from Evans during this period of his life. Again in his favored trio format, with bassist Eddie Gómez (who gets ample solo room) and drummer Marty Morell in totally simpatico communication, Evans gives himself opportunities to swing hard as well as traffic in his patented mode of harmonically complex introspection. Included are an excellent take on "Waltz for Debby" and a couple of contemporary pop near-standards, "What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?" and "Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)," and the set peaks with a closing pair of elegantly swinging waltzes, "How My Heart Sings" and "Someday My Prince Will Come." The aging tape has dropouts, but the sound quality is quite acceptable in true stereo and superior to that of The Secret Sessions from this period.www.youtube.com